Wiki of Mana

Tomato Town (Village of the Dark Priests in the fan translation) is a location in Trials of Mana. Located on Beuca Island, the shamanic village is populated entirely by peaceful tomatomen. As with the rest of the island, this place is only accessible before the volcano's eruption in Seaside Cavern.

Famous inhabitants[]


Places of Interest[]

In the 2020 remake, the party can talk to the tomatoman near the totem to obtain the Converter chain ability.




2020 Remake[]

Name Cost Equippable by ATK MGC ATK
Steel Sword 3020 Duran 33 24
Ruby Cane 3010 Angela 25 36
Bagh Nakh 3100 Kevin 36 25
Steel Flail 2940 Charlotte 26 30
Steel Dagger 3090 Hawkeye 30 29
Steel Lance 3040 Riesz 30 28


2020 Remake[]

Name Cost Equippable by DEF MGC DEF
Half Plate 2200 Duran 21 17
Guardian Shield 960 Duran (Light Classes) 5 0
Tiger Two-Piece 2210 Angela 14 20
Wolf Brace 2290 Kevin 17 18
Poto Pajamas 2300 Charlotte 16 21
Skanda Cloak 2140 Hawkeye 17 17
Padded Mail 2140 Riesz 18 17


2020 Remake[]

Name Cost
Candy 20
Chocolate 50
Faerie Walnut 150
Honey Elixir 100
Medical Herb 20
Stardust Herb 50
Cup of Wishes 300
Magic Rope 50

Treasures & Items[]

2020 Remake[]

General note : all treasures and items found in this area are missable since this location is only visitable once.

Treasure Location Availability Notes
Honey Elixir (1) Behind the northeastern tent. Chapter II -
800 lucre Behind the item shop Chapter II -

Li'l Cactus[]

No sightings

Character Observations[]

"With the volcano so close to their village, these creatures are either tough as nails...or just plain stupid."
"Are we finished with this island yet? I just want a town with a bed, that's all..."
"Peaceful monsters exist! Maybe there is hope for beastmen and humans..."
"Wow, these monstews suwe don't act wike thewe's a vowcano neawby!"
"These creatures are selling very flammable oil over here... What's the fastest way off this island?"
"I believe this is a holy sculpture to these creatures. Perhaps we should pray for safety?"

v · e · d
Trials of Mana Locations
Alrant Ā· Altena Ā· Astoria Ā· Beiser Ā· Diin Ā· Dior Ā· Dwarf Village Ā· Ferolia Ā· Jadd Ā· Koropokkur Woods Ā· Laurent Ā· Maia Ā· Mintas Ā· Nevarl Ā· Palo Ā· Pedda Ā· Sirhtan Ā· Tomato Town Ā· Valsena Ā· Temple of Light Ā· Wendel
Burning Sands Ā· Crystal Desert Ā· Duskmoon Forest Ā· Frostbite Fields Ā· Golden Road Ā· Heavensway Ā· Jungle of Visions Ā· Lampbloom Woods Ā· Molebear Moors Ā· Oblivisle Ā· Rabite Forest Ā· Stonesplit Gap Ā· Beuca Island Ā· Woods of Wandara
Cascade Cavern Ā· Celestial Peak Ā· Chartmoon Tower Ā· Gem Valley Daria Ā· Dark Castle Ā· Dragonsmaw Ā· Dwarf Tunnels Ā· Fiery Gorge Ā· Ghost Ship Ā· Gusthall Ā· Labyrinth of Ice Ā· Mirage Palace Ā· Night Cavern Ā· Sanctuary of Mana Ā· Seaside Cavern Ā· Shimmering Ruins