The Polter Box, also known as Mimic or Orgre Box, is a recurring enemy in the Mana series.
A low-level Mimic Box introduced in Trials of Mana, Polter Boxes may appear as consequences of roulette chests.
Final Fantasy Adventure & Adventures of Mana[]
- Main article: Mimic (Adventures of Mana)
Sword of Mana[]
- Main article: Polter Box (Sword of Mana)
Secret of Mana[]
- Main article: Mimic Box (Secret of Mana)
Trials of Mana[]
- Main article: Ogre Box
- Main article: Polter Box (Trials of Mana)
In the 2D version, can sometimes occur as a result of roulette. In the 3D version, masquerades as normal treasure until touched. Grows to 1.5x normal size as monster.
Legend of Mana[]
- Main article: Polter Box (Legend of Mana)
Polter Box is an enemy and a valuable potential pet in Legend of Mana. As an ally, it is useful for rare item hunting.
Children of Mana[]
- Main article: Ogre Box (Children of Mana)
- Main article: Mimic (Children of Mana)