Wiki of Mana

Pedda, also known as the Ancient Kingdom, is a location in Heroes of Mana and Trials of Mana. It is an island kingdom in the southern sea. It's populated predominantly by humans and has a tropical climate. In the Trials era, only ruins remain and the Masked Mage has taken refuge there.

Famous Inhabitants[]

Places of Interest[]

  • Pedda (town) (translated as Pedan in the fan translation)- the capital of Pedda Kingdom
  • Jungle of Visions (translated as Jungle of Illusion in the fan translation of ToM) - enchanted by illusions, home to the small forest tribe D'Kelli originates from.
  • Mirage Palace - a secluded palace.
  • Mirage Garden, Mirage Castle, Sea of Chaos - inside in Esina's Mirror


Pedda has used its status as an island kingdom to seclude itself and has cut diplomatic relations with other countries even long before the events of Heroes of Mana. Consequently, the nation of Pedda is widely perceived as an enigma by the people of Fa'Diel. The people of Pedda have a highly developed culture of their own, and are rumored to possess knowledge of strange sorcery. Having changed little over hundreds of years without outside influence, gave it its alternative name "the Ancient Kingdom".

During the events of Heroes of Mana Pedda waged war on the rest of the world, being led by Inath and Baxilios. They did so in order to execute operation Psi, as planned by the Mirage Bishop. What the majority of the citizens never realized is that they and their country were just sacrificial pawns to their leaders, and that their actions were helping release of power that would cause an apocalypse. Once Roget's crew head for Pedda's capital for the final showdown Inath and Baxilios retreat from the capital and start attacking their own town with their airship, forcing Roget and his crew to momentarily retreat, giving Inath and Baxilios time to retreat to the Mirage Palace. This attack, however, leaves the town of Pedda in ruins. Ironically the war they started led to their own countries destruction.

19 years later the heroes of ToM visit the ruins of Pedda town. A time distortion (caused by the events of Heroes of Mana) brings them back to the past where they meet Loki.

Treasures & Items[]

2020 Remake[]

Treasure Location Availability Notes
Gold Item Seed (2) Atop a watch tower on the northeast side of the map. Chapter VI This is the only treasure available before sleeping at the inn.
??? Seed (1) Behind a bunch of trees on the northern part of the map. Chapter VI Available in time-shifted city only
Gold Item Seed (1) Behind a watch tower In the southwestern corner of the map. Chapter VI Available in time-shifted city only

Character Observations[]

"Well, that's weird. Everything was run-down until we fell asleep. What happened?"
—Duran (Before talking to Loki)
"Never thought I'd get a glimpse of my old man again... Wish I coulda talked to him longer."
—Duran (After talking to Loki)
"Something is definitely up with the flow of time around here. Is the loss of mana power in the world causing the town to slip into the past?"
"What? What happened? This place...I don't understand. Maybe breakfast will help."
"Wait one second! How did this town get hewe!? Evewyone seems so busy aww of a sudden!"
"Hang on. Are you really asking me how this city suddenly built itself out of rubble? Because your guess is as good as mine."
"Do you...have any idea what may have happened here? The ruins are now a perfectly functioning town."

Li'l Cactus[]

While in time shift, on the edge of a rampart in the southwest.


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Alma · Belgar · D'Kelli · Falcon · Gauser · Gemière · Loki · Qucas · Roget · Valda · Yurchael
Anise · Baxillios · Celestan · Elena · Flamekhan · Inath · Juhani · Mirage Bishop · Olbex
Non-Player Characters
Hawkeye · Joster · Minerva · Richard · Sandarrow
Ferolia · Mintas · Nevarl · Pedda · Valsena · Wendel
Benevodons · Mana Stone · Mana Sword · Mana Tree
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Trials of Mana Locations
Alrant · Altena · Astoria · Beiser · Diin · Dior · Dwarf Village · Ferolia · Jadd · Koropokkur Woods · Laurent · Maia · Mintas · Nevarl · Palo · Pedda · Sirhtan · Tomato Town · Valsena · Temple of Light · Wendel
Burning Sands · Crystal Desert · Duskmoon Forest · Frostbite Fields · Golden Road · Heavensway · Jungle of Visions · Lampbloom Woods · Molebear Moors · Oblivisle · Rabite Forest · Stonesplit Gap · Beuca Island · Woods of Wandara
Cascade Cavern · Celestial Peak · Chartmoon Tower · Gem Valley Daria · Dark Castle · Dragonsmaw · Dwarf Tunnels · Fiery Gorge · Ghost Ship · Gusthall · Labyrinth of Ice · Mirage Palace · Night Cavern · Sanctuary of Mana · Seaside Cavern · Shimmering Ruins