Wiki of Mana

For the character biography, see Gauser.

Gauser (displayed as King of Ferolia) is a boss in the 3D remake of Trials of Mana. He is one of the six trial bosses of Chapter VII, and guards the Instinct Sphere needed for Kevin to advance to Class 4. Gauser may be found in Ferolia to inquire about the Sphere. He will then wait for the party at the top of Chartmoon Tower, where Kevin can challenge him.



It may be safest to buy Candy, Chocolate, and Honey Elixirs for Kevin to have stocked in the Ring Menu, as well as a few Bulette Scales and Drake Scales for buffing. Focus any training on Strength, Stamina, and Spirit (if he has healing magic).


Like Shadow Angela, this will be a one-on-one duel to test Kevin's quickness and evasion. Both the boss and Kevin will be in wolf form, so each can hit hard when the other's guard is down. Gauser enters this fight having mastered his son's Class Strikes, and can hit for power with rapid attacks. The player can easily evade the more direct assaults, but moves like Suzaku Aerial are harder to get away from. The player should find an opening and attack whenever possible, else healing as needed. As Gauser sustains more damage, his stats increase; so one should avoid staying too close for too long when an attack is being readied.

Enemy Intel

3D Version

King of Ferolia - Level 65


  • Triple Slash (No official name) - lunges towards the player with three claw swipes.
  • Slash & Slam (No officlal name) - same as above but the last claw swipe is relaced by a big leap crashing down on the ground.
  • Suzaku Aerial
  • Seiryu Strike
  • Genbu Bash
  • Counterattack - Turns red, becomes invulneralbe for a short while, then unleashes a straight line of flames. Uses this attack only when HP is down to half and under. Seems to raise attack 1.5 times (Attack Up icon doesn't show up).
  • Moon Saber
  • Glow Red (No official name) - A reddish aura starts emanating from Gauser's body when HP is half depleted.
  • Abyssal Slice


  • 9,000 Lucre
  • 30,000 EXP
v · e · d
Class Strikes
Class Strikes
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