The Cup of Wishes, also known as the Angel Grail, is a recurring item in the Mana series. When used, it returns a ghosted party member to the world of the living. Compares with Phoenix Down of Final Fantasy and Yggdrasil Leaf of Dragon Quest.
Sword of Mana[]
- Buy: 50
- Sell: 25
- Use: Revive your ally with all HP.
Chest: Path to Topple, Batmo Cave, Vinquette Hall (x2), Scaly Lair, Marsh Cave (x3), Mushboom Forest (x2), Road to Gaia, Gaia Cave, Airship, Jadd Desert, Devius Manor, Miasma Glen, Mt. Illusia, Granz Castle, Rocky Wilds, Subland River (x2), Subsea Volcano, Glass Desert (North), Sealed Cave, Ruined Passage, Dime Tower (x2), Mana Sanctuary (x2), Mana Temple (x2)
Store: Wendel General Store, Menos General Store, Jadd Blacksmith, Jadd General Store, Ishe General Store, Niccolo
Secret of Mana[]
- Use: Saves a ghosted party member (revives with full HP).
- Buy: All shops
- Find: None.
- Drop:
- Price: 150GP (normal), 300GP (Neko's)
Trials of Mana[]
Cup of Wishes (Angel Grail in the fan translation) is an item in Trials of Mana.
2D Version[]
Use : Restore 100 HP for one ally.
Place to Buy : All Shops
Buy : 100 L
Sell : 50 L
Monster Drops : Bulette, Chess Knight, Copper Knight, Fire Drake, Kid Drazombie, King Rabite, Peeper, Petit Poseidon, Poto, Prime Slime, Shape Shifter, Silver Knight, Silverwolf, Tomatoman, Wolfmahn
3D Version[]
Use : Restore 200 HP for one ally.
Place to Buy : All Shops
Buy : 300 L
Sell : 75 L
Monster Drops : Bulette, Chess Knight, Copper Knight, Fire Drake, Kid Drazombie, King Rabite, Peeper, Petit Poseidon, Poto, Prime Slime, Shape Shifter, Silver Knight, Silverwolf, Tomatoman, Wolfmahn